Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Jasper continued

Here are some of Suzanne's photos from our bike ride up to Lac Beauvert and the Jasper Park Lodge:

These are some giant rose hips on a tiny little rose bush.

This is how clear Lac Beauvert is!!

We signed up for a bus tour to nearby Maligne Lake (pronounced mah-leen).  We had the option of either taking a cruise on the lake or a guided hike.  Suzanne opted for the cruise, and Steve for the hike.  Our guide was a young woman named Kelli, who was great - both energetic and informative.

We stopped first at Maligne Canyon, which is a gorge carrying the outflow from the lake.  The stone here is primarily limestone, which is much harder than shale, so the gorge is much steeper than the ones back home:

The drive went quickly, except when we hit a traffic jam....

Those are bighorn sheep, a group of females and young.

When we got to the lake, Suzanne got on the boat with everyone else in the group.  Here are some images from that cruise.

Here you can see just a bit of glacier remaining between the two peaks - you have to look closely!

The destination of the cruise is Spirit Island.  It is sacred ground of the indigenous people of the area and we were asked not to step onto the island.

 Steve went for a walk to Moose Lake.  He was the only one who didn't go on the boat, so he got a personal guide.

Yes, the lake is frequented by moose; they like to eat the moss on the lake bottom. A number of people were hanging out there hoping to see one, but none showed up.  We did, however, see a black bear with 2 cubs on the drive back to town.  They were eating the buffalo berries, which are their primary food.

Then, it's off to Vancouver!

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